Saturday, November 06, 2010

Another historical first for Obama

"Obama to use teleprompter for Hindi Speech" screams a headline in the Hindustan Times.  (I just renewed my subscription.)  Apparently Obama will be speaking to the Indian parliament, using his trusted companion the teleprompter.  Doing so, he will be the first speaker in the history of India's 80-year-old Parliament House Central Hall to use one.

"We thought Obama is a trained orator and skilled in the art of mass address," said one Indian official.

Interestingly, like much else when discussing Barack Obama, his oratory skills -- so lauded when he was campaigning and in the first few months of his presidency -- seem to have been oversold, and he's not able to live up to the promise. His dependence on his teleprompter has become a standing joke.  Now India can laugh, too.

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